Born in Maplewood, Minnesota | A Preview of Kaia's Birth Photos / by Meredith Westin

January 3, 2019 | 1:25 pm

It always amazes me how quickly a baby is born once the decision is made to go down the hall for an unplanned cesarean section. Once baby is born, it’s usually just a short while before they make their way from the newborn station over to their mama’s chest for skin-to-skin bonding and maybe even an attempt at latching and initiating their breastfeeding relationship. Most of my clients who end up with a surgical birth haven’t planned to have one and it’s always an honor to support them through the process. While I’m not always allowed into the operating room, I have had really good luck and have been able to join the majority of my clients to photograph the birth of their baby.

Welcome to the world, sweet girl! We’re so glad you’re here!